Competence for Web
TejaSoft has sound experience in developing products for the Web (Java, Java Script, Go, C, C++, C#,.net, Python, PHP) Applications, Android and Blackberry Solutions for Mobiles with the ability to conceptualize, develop, integrate and monetize highly customized, feature-rich and robust solutions.
- Web 2.0 & AJAX ” GWT, Vaadin, ZK
- HTML5, JQuery, JavaScript, RefactJS, AnguarJS, EmberJS, JSF, Struts, JSP, Servlets
- OAuth and Open Social API (Java way)
- EnterpriseReporting”JaperReports,BIRT,PentahoReports, OBIEE, ODI
- Portals Development (JSR-168,286) ” Liferay, IBM Websphere Portal
- ContentManagement(JSR-170,283)-Alfresco,Nuxeo,CRX
- OSGI”Felix,Equinox, SpringDM, nodeJS,
- EAI/ESB/SOA/JBI ” Mule, ServiceMIX
- ETL Connectors ” for SAP or any others, Informatica
- Spring, Seam, Guice, JPA, Hibernate, EJB,JMS
- Tomcat, JBoss , IBM Web sphere and other Application Servers
- Web services ” Axis, SOAP, XML RPC, JAXB
- SaaS, JavaSpaces (JINI), Hadoop and Cloud Computing